Track24 Response to Apache Log4j Vulnerability

Since being alerted to the vulnerability known as “Apache Log4j” Track24 has taken immediate steps to identify areas of our business that could be affected and can confirm that none of our customer-facing products incorporate this vulnerability in their codebase. In...

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Why we need more women in tech?

Tech industry overview Diversity is essential to technology as it enables businesses to create better, safer products that take  into account everyone, not just a small part of society.  A McKinsey's 2020 report shows that diversified companies are performing better...

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The science of tracking

By Emily Byrne, Content Manager & Marketing Executive at Track24 The science of tracking At Track24, our priority is keeping your people safe. Through this blog we will uncover tracking in the digital world with two of our experienced engineers: Software Engineer,...

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Data Analytics as a risk reduction tool for CFOs

by Sara Salim, Marketing Executive According to financial managers and corporate technology experts, the pandemic has made CFOs aware of the vulnerability of their companies to the broadest  external risks in decades. Today, data availability is limitless, technology...

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